
Spiritual Tools

2 Timothy 2:15


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Sunday Morning Bible Study begins at 9:30 in the Multipurpose building located adjacent to the Church. As you enter the Joy Center there is Purell to sanitize your hands and masks are available if you feel safer wearing one. We are handicap accessible through the door located between the Church and the Multipurpose Building; drive under the awning and drop off under the awning.

Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship will begin at 10:30ish. As you enter the Sanctuary there is Purell to sanitize your hands and mask are available if you feel safer wearing one. Antioch desires to provide a spiritual encounter with Jesus but we also know it will only happen if you feel safe to Worship. We desire to provide you with the opportunity to have a spiritual Worship experience. If you have any questions please feel free to call Bro. Robert.

Sunday Evening Bible Study

No Sunday Evening Services until further notice.

Wednesday Evening Services

Regular Wednesday night Bible Study has been cancelled until further notice except for second Wednesday Night each month for our regular Business Meeting at 7:00.

Thy word is a lamp..., and a light... - Psalms 119:105

Thy word is a lamp..., and a light...
- Psalms 119:105